“When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.”

Chi Chi Rodriguez
Professional Golfer


Retirement will change your lifestyle

Choose a plan to cope

Most people have access to two different types of pensions.  Make sure you’re clear on what you’re paying into before you start contributing and building your retirement pot.

A Defined Contribution (DC) Pension is the most common and is essentially your main saving pot that is topped up regularly from your paycheck.  From the age of 55, you’ll be able to access this money, and do with it what you will.

The other variety of pensions is a Defined Benefit (DB) pension.  This is offered by some workplaces and involves the employee paying in regular contributions each month. When you reach a certain age, the pension pays you a guaranteed income (known as a final salary scheme), so you should have a steady income for the rest of your life.

Here To Help

There are many different types of UK Pension schemes in existence today. While the aim of each is to provide you with an income in retirement, they work in different ways.v Making sure you’ve balanced your finances to see you through not only the short term, but also long term, can be a long process, especially if you’re tackling it alone.

Across all the pages in this section, we provide a series of guides to help you find what you should be looking for, particularly when it comes to identifying the type of pension that works for you, so when that time comes to start winding down, we can help you…


pension plans

Pensions are often considered the best way to save for later life, with massive benefits including generous tax relief and tax-free growth over a long-term period. 


However, they aren’t the only way to save for retirement with several other options available to ensure you’ll be able to enjoy your later years as much as possible. A (Lifetime ISA) LISA is one of these options.  
You can open a LISA anytime between the ages of 18-39 and save up to £4,000 a year. There’s no tax included on any interest and whatever you pay before the age of 50, the government top up by up to 25%, subject to a maximum of £1,000 per year.  


One main drawback about a LISA is the lack of access, however if saving for a rainy day, it’s hopefully an account you won’t need constant access to.  Charges arise if you try to withdraw at any time apart from to use as a deposit for your first home, or after the age of 60.   You’ll pay a 25% charge if you withdraw money or transfer the Lifetime ISA to another type of ISA before 60. However, money withdrawn is always tax free, unlike that from a pension, however, is not advisable as a substitute for a pension. 


Most workers are also eligible for a state pension. The state pension is paid by the UK Government and if you qualify, you’ll receive £164.35 a week from your state pension age.  The current age is 65, however for those born after 5 April 1960, it is rising to 66, and those born after 5 March 1961, to 67.   On its own, at a mere income of £8,546 a year it’s clearly not quite enough to live on, however can be vital to help sustain a retirement income from any private pension you may have.


Lastly is a Workplace pension. Most businesses now are set up to an autoenrollment scheme, meaning that at least 5% of your pre-tax earnings goes straight into your pension pot.  This is calculated from total wages, including any bonuses, overtime or other additional pay you may have received. You’ll make contributions based on your total earning between £6,136 and £50,000 a year before tax.  You are eligible for a workplace pension if you are:


  • Over 22
  • Below state pension age
  • Earning more than £10,000 a year
  • Ordinarily employed in the UK.


Most people don’t realise that they could actually get a lot more out of their workplace pension than they do.  Simple moves like changing how your money is invested could give your savings a massive boost. To do this, it would be worth exploring how your pension is invested and finding the best pension fund available for you.  It’s quite simple to switch your pension scheme, however it is worth discussing with a financial adviser.


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